This progression is designed to allow racers find the correct turn shape and line.
A "wall" of gates are made in the shape of the desired turn. A track or rut will begin to form. Gates are removed as the drill progresses. Racers should stay in the track that has already been established. The progression continues until only the turn gate remains. Stubbies and brushes gates are the best for this drill because of the reduced visual input for the athletes and the workload on the coach.
Setup: Brushes and gates can be swapped.
The distance and offset can be tailored to the upcoming events, but for this example we will use a 15 meter Panel set with slalom skis. Courses length of 6 to 12 gate are preferable. 3 to 5 courses per run 30-40 total gates per run.
Athletes will begin:
Set 1
2-4 runs from a set in Group A
15-30 Minute Break and Reset
Set 2
1-2 runs from a set in Group A
Ruts and or a clear defined line need to be established before moving to the next group
Remove a stubbie and replace the bottom Stubbie with a Panel, but you need to run the established
1-2 runs from a set in Group B
15-30 Minute Break and Reset
Set 3
1-2 runs from a set in Group B
Ruts and or a clear defined line need to be established before moving to the next group
Remove a stubbie or brush. Run the established ruts and line line a regular course
1-2 runs from a set in Group C
The goal of this progression is to get the athletes to begin to ski above the gates. This progression also allows racers to separate and work on turn shape, initiation and edge pressure without having a poor line control the practice session.